Friday 10 May 2013


I have now finished my honours project, I am very happy with my final outcomes. Although i would change lot if i was start the project again. I am glad I choose a environemnt to create as my honours, but a may have choose a different location/theme. I am glad its differeent and not simlar to any other environemnt create by other students or people around on the interent etc... But the lack was resource information avialble to research the era of foundry I choose to create made it difficlut.

below is some screen shot of inside if my foundry environment.


Monday 15 April 2013

Complex material

Because I am creating a foundry, I some point I am going to have to create a molten metal material so I decided to starting trying to create one now, rather than having to rush it at the end of the project.
Below is my current version of my molten metal material.

The material also aniamtes whitch adds to the affect.

From the final version I hope to improve the glow. As well as tweeking the colour so it is much yellow than orange. To complete the look I also hope to create a heat haze from the material if possible, as I am unsure at this stage whether I could achieve in the time.


To add extra detail and unqiueness to selected areas of the foundry i am going to use decals. Decals are a greae way to comsstumize an modular areas without having to remodel  unqiue quilities or retexture. Decals work by projecting a planar image onto a mesh. the decal material can support all map types like normal and spec. below are some decal I am currently using in my foundry.

Vertex painting

Vertex paint is a way of use the vertex of a static mesh as points to paint a new texture or texture and mesh. I used vertex painting to unqiuely paint the brick. This helped me stop the modular pices looking simlar. form the brick vertex paint i created 3 texture i could changed beween. the first wass the normal brick texture, the sceond was the brick texture with green moss on it and the third texture was the brick texture with black sutt on it.

A screenshot of the vertex material I created

Created assets

Below are renders of assets I have created for the inside of the ofundry some of the assets are texture and others have no texture or a pemptpr texture.

As this is this a WIP, and my confident that the final foundry will look good with all the texture maps. I also changed some foundry slighly, by removing all the roof windows near the roof fan, to make the fan stand out my and make the foundry alot darker.

Foundry size fully fixed

last time I have issuses with achieving the right size and space around my foundry. After some intail tweeking to asset scale I achieved the right size do now needed to retexture everything again. as well as importing alot much assets and buildings other buildings around the foundry. new assets include: roof, floor, windows, stairs, untexture bessemer and railway track.

Problem with foundry size.

After I created the more of the foundry struckture, I decided import the basic bessemer/turntable design model I created weeks basic, so I could walk around it in UDK and get a sense of scale. after doin this a noted a problem. The foundry bessesmer design was too big and looks silly in a small foundry.

The foundry was much to norrow and need to be widened it all would look alot better if it was extrended long.


At this stage astenics were not a consideration and I just want to get the size the space correct and then I can reimport and texture everything again. To get this quick fiz I scaled the modular pieces in UDK, the final version will have correctly scaled pieces and in propertion to each other.