Sunday 18 November 2012

Blog Update

As ive not updated my for 5 weeks, I quickly recap what i have done.
I have garther research one my choosen environment a foundry. From this research I had design several layout for possible foundry designs. I also finalized the processes what which be shown  in the foundry (bessemer process) and the era of the foundry (1880-1920). looking at the reference images of foundrys, I determined how many modular pieces I need to create in 3Ds max. But  before I could model anything I needed to find out how to set up the unit scale in 3Ds max to UDK.          

My first foundry design + moodboard.

The choosen design is lot differnet compared to my first design. The new design will be uploaded in another post when it has been modeled in 3Ds max. 

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