Monday 15 April 2013

New foundry design.

After looking at research image of real foundry and factories of the era, I noticed that my foundry design was too small and would not support and bessemer. So of this I change the design to closly match a image I found of a german foundry in 1880. Using the module pices I already created i design a shell for the factory struckture.

1880s German Foundry


The advangtage of choosing a simlar design to the one above, This will give my honours project more meaning by foucing, by builtings the foundry around a historial break through in steel production, The Bessemer.

Basic 3D design of german foundry

This design also has a add advantage that, the inside layout will be modular as well as and outter wall pieces. This design will fix correctly into the new foundry design and can be easily extrended and changed.

The modular foudry pieces can also be duplicated and changed and act as other buildings around the main foundry, that the player cannot walk into. this will be a great time saver and if the outter building need to be made more unqiue I create create some separate objects to make them stand out.

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