Monday 15 April 2013

Parallax Mapping

To create the texture for my Honours, I first start by getting a free source texture from a website like CGtextures.

Below is a the basic instruction of how I create my textures and parallax mapping.

The source image was a high res image, but was not seamless. so I created a seamless texture using photoshop. the Final seamless textures was then weather and save as a 512x512 texture



I was now at  the stage where I had a defuse brick, from this I could now create the normal, specular and add parallax mapping. the Create this first I had to create a normal map. so I created a height map (bump) from the clean seamless brick texture.

I then added the height map to crazy bump (a normal generating program) after tweaking the options in the crazy bump I got the look I was after. I then create a alpha channel for my normal map in photoshop and add a image that looks like the oringal height map, but with one difference, it has  slight blur to it, so the brick to mortor tanitstion better.

Left (normal map) right (aphla channel)

Parallax material in UDK break down and tweeking the paramitors.

Brick material in UDK with just Defuse

Brick Material with Defuse and Normal maps

Brick Material with Defuse and parallax mapping
Parallax mapping works by adding a bump off set to the normal map and choosing the aphla channel I create as the off set. the glossieness the he brick will go when I add a spec map. I think this a greate techque and I will be using on other surfaces like floor and roofs, Any surface that is flat. as test with mesh like the bessemer produce some bad results.

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