Sunday 18 November 2012

Lowing the poly count.

Using the weld tool in 3Ds Max I cut down on the poly count by getting rid of unessary polys. This created more tri's but as it was goin into a game engine it didnt matter. After doin this I lower the poly count by almost half.

Modular pieces

I will create the modular pieces using 3Ds max, I have also created a custom unit and grid in 3Ds max which will snap to the grid in UDK. I create lots of different variations of wall and roofs piece. some of which have influence the design of my foundry. Below are a few examples of model pieces which I create and will not be using.

This design was scraped because the design looked too modern, The I decided to not use steel I beam and corrugated metal.
I liked the design, but the arch was too narrow
I widen the arches to give it a more industrial and added brick supports 
Below are some of the final designs for my modular pieces.
For these modular pieces I added a 3rd window to the side wall and added a front piece with arches.
 Theses pieces are always being tweeked to better design.

Blog Update

As ive not updated my for 5 weeks, I quickly recap what i have done.
I have garther research one my choosen environment a foundry. From this research I had design several layout for possible foundry designs. I also finalized the processes what which be shown  in the foundry (bessemer process) and the era of the foundry (1880-1920). looking at the reference images of foundrys, I determined how many modular pieces I need to create in 3Ds max. But  before I could model anything I needed to find out how to set up the unit scale in 3Ds max to UDK.          

My first foundry design + moodboard.

The choosen design is lot differnet compared to my first design. The new design will be uploaded in another post when it has been modeled in 3Ds max. 

Tuesday 25 September 2012


Before I decide on the layout and look of the foundry I must test few ideas within UDK to see if they are possible.

This week I tested two things within UDK:

1. I want to create a Hot melted metal look texture and pouring metal if possible, first I researched whether it is possible to have pouring liquid or water and whether it can be adapted to be glowing metal liquid. I created a small scene in UDK and created a  fluid surface actor with a water material. I could possible modify the water material into glowing metal. I used a tutorial as a guide. I also found a video of a shader some created which a gives a realistic flowing lava look. Although this may be to difficult to replicate in the time I have to create the environment.

Print screen of the UDK scene with Small Pit of Water.


Flowing Lava Shader

2. The second thing a create in UDK was a Banner/Flag made from cloth, which would hang from  wall all ceiling, although I didn't know if a cloth banner would be appropriate in a hot foundry with sparks. To help me achieve a cloth physics I used a tutorial as a guide.
UDK scene with 2 flowing cloth banners.



First Week

This week for my Honours I start working on my on my project plan.

I also created a mind map of ideas of what I should do for my Honours project. The mind map included lots of ideas from different environments to a collection of assets. After contenplating a few different ideas.

 I decided to create a environment as I feel this would best show off my ablities in 3Ds Max as well as UDK. After deciding to create an environment I created a mind map of just environment ideas. Some of the better ideas of environment I was condsiding creating were a theater, production line (factory) and Docklands. But the ideas I decided to go with was a steel foundry.

 I decided to make a foundry because I like the ideas of creating industrial machinary with large cogs and ladles.


Thursday 20 September 2012

What to do for my Honours project

After my first Honours lesson I am still unsure what to base my project on. In the lesson as a group we discuss each others ideas. From this I know I want to base my project on 3D modelling but I'm still unsure what to model or what theme. I want to become a 3D artist in the game industry and therefore want to use the honours project as a way of show casing my 3D work. I was advice to look at the level needed to become a 3D artist and what company expect and are asking for.

I looked at lots different game companies and the jobs they have to offer in and outside the UK. Some of these companies were:

1. Creative Assembly UK
     Applicable Jobs: 3D Environment Artist and additional game content
                                 3D character Artist
 Comment: Both jobs stated they were looking for someone with Expert knowledge of Max/Maya an Photoshop. as well as expect know of game development pipeline. I will need to show these skill in this project to help me better me chances of becoming a 3D artist.

2. Rebellion UK
   Applicable Jobs: Environment Artist

Comments: For this job some of the skills they want from a 3D artist are: Ability to translate concept and reference artwork into 3D game assets, Strong UV mapping skills with efficient layouts, Model and texture both high and low polygon environments, including terrain, buildings and props.

3. Crytek Ukraine 
    Applicable Jobs: 3D Artists

Comments: For this job requirements, they ask you to provide them with work samples (10-15 best work samples in JPG format. they also looking for skill such as: the ability to model photorealistic environment based on photo reference and a the ability to create assets within given technical limitations.

Although I am no closer to deciding on what to do for my honours project, besides something 3D. I am now have a greater understanding of what is required and wanted for the role of a 3D artist. because of this I now know what skills I need to gain and highlight at the end of my project.       

Start of Honours Project

This blog was created to showcase my work for my honours project, it will include all my research, 3D work as well as any problems I face when creating and deciding on what to do for my honours project. By the end of the 3rd year this blog will fully document step by step all my processes I went through to get to my the end result.